Payor Products for Cigars & Tobacco
Do you own a Cigars & Tobacco business? It’s time to digitize your payment experience and expand your business online with a payment gateway. The industry is growing rapidly with tough competition and consumers have shown favorability for businesses that allow digital payments. You can increase consumer confidence in your business using our next-gen payment solutions with Cigars & Tobacco merchant account. This will allow you to accept payments via Credit Cards, American Express or Mobile Wallets with ease.
We understand the intricacies of merchant accounts and the risk factor associated with them. Hence, we have a dedicated process of helping Cigars & Tobacco businesses procure a safe payment gateway that holds up in all kinds of purchase activities.
Merchant Services
Use Payor’s smart solutions for eCommerce stores for ramping up sales, by integrating SDKs that take care of the entire customer UX with shopping cart integration that goes up to the checkout page and beyond.
Use Payor’s smart solutions for eCommerce stores for ramping up sales, by integrating SDKs that take care of the entire customer UX with shopping cart integration that goes up to the checkout page and beyond.
Point of Sale
A single unified Point of Sale solution that covers both physical devices, as well as mobile software for all your payment processing needs. We are changing how your industry accepts payments, and are constantly thriving to make it rewarding for the customer.